WorkMan is a graphical tool for playing audio compact discs on a CD-ROM drive. It has most of the features available on standalone CD players, such as a shuffle mode, programmable playlists, and elapsed/remaining timers. But it also has extra features, foremost of which is the ability to store information about CDs in a database, then automatically extract that information when the CD is inserted later. WorkMan stores the artist's name, the disc title, the names of individual tracks, and even remembers which tracks you don't want to hear! All in an easy-to-use, attractive OPEN LOOK graphical interface. Disc databases may be shared among any number of users on the network. WorkMan keeps separate databases for your private information about CDs (e.g. which order you like the tracks to play) and the discs' public information. During WorkMan's alpha test, several users shared my database, which now contains over 750 CDs. That database is available via anonymous ftp from in the "WorkMan" directory. To build WorkMan, Sun users should be able to type "make" and sit back. See the file INSTALLATION for more details. WorkMan requires XView 3.0 or higher (which comes with the OpenWindows distribution, and is also available as part of X11R5.) The manual page ( contains a brief description of the user interface, though for the most part you should be able to start using the tool right away without reading the docs. If you're curious about the program's innards, the manual page describes the database file format. I'd like to thank the 100+ people from all over the world who participated in WorkMan's beta test phase, providing encouragement and hitting me over the head with bug reports at all hours of the night. And special thanks to Chris Ross and John Brezak, without who WorkMan would still be a Sun-only program. If you enjoy WorkMan, drop me a picture postcard! My address is Steven Grimm 173 Sherland Ave. Mountain View, CA 94043 USA Comments, questions, and suggestions should be mailed to me at Check the BUGS section of the manual page and the to-do list, as well as the ANSWERS file, before you mail me. Enjoy! -Steve